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  • phenomqueenprod

A Perpetual State of Transition

Happy ‘Welcome-Wednesday’ Phenom Queens and Kings! I hope the mid-week marker was preceded by a wonderful MLK holiday at the beginning of the week! See my IG @phenomqueenprod for my favorite quote from the visionary leader who demonstrated and championed equality for all.

I have decided to incorporate ‘Welcome-Wednesday’. It is when we reflect on the desires, goals, and feelings that we want to manifest in our lives. Often, we focus on the habits, involuntary actions, and feelings that we want to release and forget. How much more effective would we be if we instead shined the light on welcoming those outcomes that we would prefer?

I am in my feelings today as my au-stounding son is navigating new transition in preparation for beginning middle school next year. It has been a little tough for him and it is honestly pressing on this empath mommy. It has my nervous system wanting to react… or escape (to a snack) 😊. He is experiencing more transition in his daily schedule which is a brewing concoction of unpredictable changes and undefined expectations. This for him results in anxiousness, some social regression, and unexpected reactions. That then warrants me changing into my advocate hat to explain my son’s behaviors and actions to teachers and staff. All while at the same time helping him adjust to those changes and reassuring his confidence in his ability to adapt. If I am to be honest it is a lot at times. Parents are not always allowed to express that when ‘the going gets tough’- it is tough!  But reality is; when our child experiences transition, we do too. But we have the responsibility as their foundation to demonstrate grounded emotions.

This has me thinking about how I can welcome emotional stability in response to the transition we are navigating instead of wishing I could release the present season. Afterall it is a season; we have triumphed in all the other seasons even if not as seamless as we would have preferred but we made it…

I invite / challenge you to also think about your current areas of transition . Where can you resist the urge to flee by pulling out the wonderful coping mechanisms (pun intended) and instead embrace the season. I have often heard ‘change is inevitable’; I’m exchanging it for “transition is perpetual” because it’s ongoing. That is if you are open to growth. I am committed to growth and evolution; it is ingrained in my thought process. The offset is I must learn to live in each moment and be fully present. I must find joy in the small moments and when I cannot find it; have gratitude.

What are you welcoming this Wednesday? If, you are pausing to ponder just be present and find the smallest morsel to express gratitude for. If you read something you like, subscribe and/or share!

Until next time…

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4 comentarios

18 ene

I appreciate this. Somehow I think I needed this reminder to refocus and know that it is just a season and to keep a positive mindset.

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18 ene
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You are welcome.! One minute at a time!

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18 ene

Reflection and Refocusing on the present with a mindset of gratitude. Thank you for sharing and reminding us of a treasure overlooked daily. Thank you!

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18 ene
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Absolutely, thank you for taking the time to read!

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